Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Reality TV: Good, Bad, or Ugly?

            Reality TV Shows is a television genre that has an unscripted play and unedited clips throughout the show.  Although I was not into reality show, I have a positive stance on it. 
            Reality TV Shows helps viewers to see some of obstacles and conflicts that other people face in life.  If the show is well planned and acted out, it can encourage viewers to overcome obstacles with determination, hard work, and confidence.  Reality TV Shows such as America Got Talent shows glimpse of the participant’s life (ordinary people) and their life obstacles.  I remember one episode when there was a sightless singer who had perfect scores from all three judges.  I think that participant is the inspiration for many television viewers across America to do something that they never thought they’re courageous enough to do.
            Beside inspiration and encouragement, Reality TV Shows also entertain viewers with true-life event and story.  We live in a culture that is covered by mass medias and information; one of the reasons why Reality TV Shows is so popular is because it provides people (viewers) something that they can relate to.  One of most fascinating aspects about Reality TV Shows is to see how actors in the TV can speak and behave in a way that is so similar to our-selves, which lead back to my point of finding inspiration.
            Although I have a positive stance on Reality TV Shows, I still do believe, that there are negative aspects among them.  Reality TV Shows does not “require” talented actors for the show to be famous nor a well write and plan script, which these two characteristics have been the foundation for successful TV shows for the past.  Actors in Reality TV Shows sometime purposely make fun of themselves for the entertainment of others.  Another negative aspect is that the cost to produce each episode and the show is significantly lower than other type television genre, which brings to my question: is the show truly a reality show, or is it just the producer wants more money.
            Every television genre has its own pros and cons, but I believe the pros of Reality TV Shows outweighed its cons.  The producer maybe in it for the wealth and status, but if the show can bring life changing inspiration to viewers than I think this television genre is worth to keep growing.

Link to other articles, information, or sites to support what I said:

Pros and cons of reality TV shows

Pros and Cons: Reality television

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